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Advocacy Resource

Introduction to the Guide

If progressives are going to stop Trump's agenda, we must stand indivisibly opposed to Trump and the Members of Congress (MoCs) who would do his bidding. Together, we have the power to resist—and we have the power to win.

Digital Communications Security

Different groups communicate with each other or store information in different ways. And just like steps to ensure physical security, it’s important to consider the risks you and your group might be facing—or might not. 

Voter Registration Guide

With nearly 2,000 Indivisible groups, and at least 400 congressional districts, imagine the number of voters we can register together. This guide will cover why we register voters, how to use our new voter registration tool, and how to register voters in your community.

Press Releases, Media Advisories, and More

Press releases, media advisories, and statements are formal communication tools that your group can use to get its messages out to media. Think of them as the type of communication you have with reporters that goes out on your organization’s nice letterhead stationery.