What does it mean to “whip the vote,” anyway? Unity ahead of a fight is a key ingredient to legislative success, and MoCs in leadership have a fleet of tools at their disposal to make sure that their caucus stays together.
People have fought and died for the right to vote. Voter ID laws prevent people from exercising this right. Learn how you can fight this voter suppression tactic.
Protecting the vote is more important now than ever, as the Trump administration ramps up efforts to make it harder to vote. You can fight back by working to improve access to voting in your community. This guide covers actions you can take right now to change how elections are run, and make voting
With nearly 2,000 Indivisible groups, and at least 400 congressional districts, imagine the number of voters we can register together. This guide will cover why we register voters, how to use our new voter registration tool, and how to register voters in your community.
Lasting change can only be assured through electoral wins. This guide will give you the background on campaigns and elections you need to get involved in electoral politics for the first time.
Together, we have the power to not just resist, but to win key electoral victories and reshape government. This guide, written by former campaign staffers and organizers, explains how to effectively put the people power that is resisting the Trump Agenda into action to win elections.
Press releases, media advisories, and statements are formal communication tools that your group can use to get its messages out to media. Think of them as the type of communication you have with reporters that goes out on your organization’s nice letterhead stationery.